André Cyr: An Insider View of Adventure Racing & Jackalope, ARWS Race Director in Quebec
My only regret when it comes to adventure racing is that I waited too long to start. For a long time, I thought that running or cycling for such a long time was impossible.
All you have to do is try! Most races are modular. In other words, you don't have to complete all the checkpoints. Most races are designed to offer a challenge for all levels of fitness. If in doubt, ask the organizers. There are more and more short-format races that offer a good introduction to the sport.
For your first race, keep a simple game plan and plan the estimated time for each section, cutting checkpoints if necessary to avoid arriving late. Keep a good margin for manoeuvre, especially towards the end of the race, as your progress will probably be slower than expected. Bring a variety of food that you've tested beforehand. The same goes for equipment: nothing new on race day.
Adventure races forge memories and friendships like no other. There will be difficult moments, of course, but you'll always come away with something positive.
We often joke that adventure racing is a vacation for busy people. You'll experience so many incredible things in such a short time!
Canadian Wilderness Partner: MRS Nomad
Interview with Camping Hiking Adventures Owner
Nathalie Long : Créatrice de la première course d'expédition au Canada
Luc Mehl nous parle de son nouveau livre !
Luc, tu es un peu une légende dans le milieu du packraft ! Pouvez-vous nous dire ce qui vous a poussé à écrire votre livre ? Le manuel Packraft a commencé comme un petit manuel de sécurité. J'enseignais des cours de sécurité en eaux vives pour le Swiftwater Safety Institute depuis quelques années et je voulais comprendre comment diffuser les techniques de sécurité à plus de gens. Je n'atteignais que 30 à 40 personnes par été avec les cours en personne. Mais après avoir écrit le contenu sur la sécurité et le sauvetage, j'ai réalisé qu'il serait encore plus utile...
- Tout
- Adventure Immersion Lab
- Adventure Race World Series (ARWS)
- amazon river
- canadian wilderness
- Chile outdoor sports
- Expedition Canada
- Fishing
- inflatable kayak
- Luc Mehl
- MRS packraft
- Myanmar
- packraft
- paddle sports
- Paddling Canada
- Rocky Mountain Adventure Racing
- sergio rios
- Skeg
- Team Canada Adventure
- water sports